gloss - the frutiger aero fanlisting


to gloss - the frutiger aero fanlisting. This is a fanlisting for Frutiger Aero, the design philosophy prevalent throughout 2004-2013 that had followed the Y2K philosophy.

If you're a fan of Frutiger Aero, consider joining!


This fanlisting has a total of 88 members + 0 pending. It was last updated Feburary 9th, 2025. The fanlisting was opened April 1st, 2024, and is approved by This fanlisting is made by Slaid! (

What is a fanlisting?

By definition of the Fanlistings Network, a fanlisting is a place where "fans from around the world submit their information to their approved fanlisting and they are then listed to show their love for the subject." While The Fanlisting Network is not the only fanlisting site, it is the main go-to for multiple fanlistings all across the world.

Fanlistings have existed for decades upon decades and end up being one of the most popular ways to show your support for a subject. The only thing a fanlisting requires from you is information so the webmaster can list you on their members page. Any and all requests have to be approved due to this being a collection of fans.



I am not associated with anything relating to Frutiger Aero, and this is purely non-profit. I do not own anything relating to Frutiger Aero, and I have no relation to any brands listed anywhere within the pages. This site falls under Fair Use, meaning that I cannot be taken down due to the fact I am mentioning these brands and/or media in a formal context. This is purely just a site to spread my love for Frutiger Aero to the other people of the world.

No copyright infringement is intentional | Up since 4/1/24 | Best viewed on computer | Non-profit | Last Updated: 2/9/25.